“In the late 1960s, as a school-age girl and tomboy, my experience with Girl Scouts was short lived. My troop leader was interested in teaching us crochet and macaroni art when I wanted to get outdoors, camp, hike, and do what the boys were doing. I was seeking “something with a little swagger in it.” I crossed the bridge from Brownies to Cadets to never return until surprisingly, decades later, after having pursued a long career in outdoor adventure education. In 2011, I arrived at Girl Scouts of Northern California…
Tag: girls outdoors
Girl Scout Adventures-Bold Not Bossy-part 1
My Girl Scouts are bad-ass backpackers who are motivated, skilled and a high functional group. I met my Scouts at the Chilnuaina Falls trailhead to begin an eight day trip to Chain Lakes, an alpine basin located in the SW corner of Yosemite National Park in July. This Backpack Interest Group is a year round, girl led and volunteer adult supported backpacking program. Once a month, throughout the year, they go backpacking to build their outdoor skills and fitness, preparing them for their summer expedition, “The Miler”. Every summer, I…